<script language="JavaScript" src="/js/Kribi3DPlayer.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    <script language="JavaScript" src="/js/gFunct.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">


        var controlCount = 1;

        var loadedControls = 0;

        var opening = false;

        var opened = false;

        var materialCurrent = -1;

        var materialVersion = -1;


        /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

        /* This function is invoked every time the player sends a message to the

        * browser, we use it to intercept the Ready event which is sent when

        * the player is ready to accept commands and the ModelOpened event which is

        * sent when the model has been loaded. */

        function KribiPlayer_Tell(msg) {

            var player = document.getElementById("KribiPlayer");


            if (msg == "Ready") {

                // The player is ready to accept commands.

            } else if (msg == "ModelOpened") {

                // The model has been opened, initialize the camera and the page controls.

                opened = true;


            } else if (msg == "Refresh") {

                if ((loadedControls == controlCount) && !opening) {

                    // Wait for all the controls to be opened, make sure that this will run only once.

                    opening = true;

                    player.Do("Model OpenAsync '" + FullModelsPath() + "Toys_MatBumpV01_OP.kmo");

                } else if (opened) {

                    // If the model has already been opened do a normal refresh.

                    var version = player.Do("Material GetVersion");

                    var current = player.Do("Material GetCurrent");

                    if ((current != materialCurrent) || (version != materialVersion)) {

                        materialCurrent = current;

                        materialVersion = version;








        /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

        // Set default

        function DefaultView_init() {

            var player = document.getElementById("KribiPlayer");

            // Set the camera to its initial position.

                  player.Do("Camera Position -1910.91,-5051.08,3266.14");

                  player.Do("Camera Orientation -110.438,13.3213,0");

                  player.Do("Camera FieldOfView 71.00");

            // Enable realistic rendering.

                  player.Do("Renderer Shading Realistic");

                  // Set tool


                  //Set the default material

                  player.Do("Material SetCurrent 'MATERIAL'");



        /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

        // Tools

        function InstanceHorizontalPlaneMove() {

            // Set Tool InstanceHorizontalPlaneMove

            var player = document.getElementById("KribiPlayer");

            player.Do("Tool SetCurrent 'InstanceHorizontalPlaneMove'");

            player.Do("View SelectionStyle None");



        /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

        // Function

        function ConvertPercentage(myValue) {

            var convert_value = myValue / 100.0;

            return convert_value.toString();


        /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

        function set_Parameter() {

            var player = document.getElementById("KribiPlayer");

            var materialSelected = player.Do("Material GetCurrent");

            if (materialSelected != "") {

                player.Do("Material SetCurrent " + materialSelected + " ");

                var materialBumpMapAmount = player.Do("Material Bumpiness ");

                // set value of textbox and slider

                window.document.getElementById("txt_BumpMapAmount").value = materialBumpMapAmount * 100;

                var js_slider_BumpMapAmount = $find("<%= slider_BumpMapAmount.ClientID %>");

                js_slider_BumpMapAmount.set_value(parseInt(materialBumpMapAmount * 100));




        /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

        // Event handlers.

        /* Increase the count of the 'loaded' global variable, this is used to

        * check when all the Telerik controls have been loaded before sending

        * commands to the player. */

        function HandleClientLoad() {



        /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

        function HandleValueChange_BumpMapAmount(sender, eventArgs) {

            $get("txt_BumpMapAmount").value = sender.get_value();

            var player = document.getElementById("KribiPlayer");

            player.Do("Material Bumpiness " + ConvertPercentage(sender.get_value()) + " ");
